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Preserve Your Memories Forever

Your life is a story that needs to be preserved for your children, your grand children, your great grand children and for your descendants hundreds of years from now. With today's digital technology, your life story can be captured and preserved digitally without any loss in quality for thousands of years. The story of your life needs to be told.

It's amazing how people live an entire life and when they're gone, after a while, it's as if they never existed. Most of the people who have walked this Earth have come and gone without a trace. Imagine if you could see a distant relative who lived 500 years ago. What would it be like to listen to someone who helped build the pyramids? Or someone who lived during the Civil War?

We can't go back in time. But we can preserve the present for the future. You need to tell your story today so that your descendants in the future will know that you were here. Wouldn't you like to pass on your memories and experiences to your children's children's children? Even to those who won't be born until after you are gone? And if you have no children, you should still tell your story so that people in the future will know that you existed.

A lot has happened in your life time. Were you alive when the first man landed on the moon? Or did you fight in WWII, Korea, or Vietnam? Do you remember what it was like during the Great Depression? What was it like when you were young? What were your parents and grand parents like? These are some of the questions you can answer during your interview.

YourDigitalBiography.com will help you create a professional digital video of your life story. All you have to do is answer the questions our interviewer will ask you. If you have old photos, we can incorporate them into the video too.

For a small monthly fee, we can also keep your video online on this web site for you. You can either make it available to the general public for everyone to see, or we can make it so you need a user name and password so only family members can view it.

We can scan, digitize, and sharpen your old photos and put them all on a DVD for you where they will be preserved. We can also make an online family album for you hosted on our web site for a small monthly fee. We recommend that you digitize all of your old photos so they are preserved for future generations.

You may also want to consider doing an online or offline family tree web site. We can design and create a unique web site for your family with pages for each member including names, dates of birth, photos, photo albums, and videos. Your digital video can be incorporated into the web site. With an online family tree web site, your relatives can view it from anywhere in the world.